Friday, June 29, 2012

thoughts about the USA

free drink refills,seeing family, ice cream, museums,beaches,root beer,
zoos,free cookies, peanut butter cups,maple candy,B&B's,sausage patties,
squirrels,fire flies,trains,parks,farmers markets and birds (blue jays,cardinals etc)

super china buffets,.food carts,the heat,tap water,NY city smells,orange cheese,sales tax and coffee(well that's what my mum said).

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Williamsburg is like an outdoor museum except it has people saying stuff instead of signs.It is supposed to be like you have traveled back in time to the colonial times when England was in charge of America and when the revolutionary war happened.

 This is Main street.
This the governors house. The governor is someone who represents the king. 

There were things in Williamsburg like the wig maker. The wig maker maker said that she would shave your head and get you a wig. There were also other places like the shoemaker and the weaver but I liked the wig maker best.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Washington DC

when we were in Washington DC we went to the art museum where we saw a lot of old paintings and sculptures.Then we went to the natural history museum. There were lots of things there like human relations and gemstones. The next day I went to see the air and space museum with my dad and grandpa there lots war planes and even a space shuttle that had been into space 36 times! After that we went to a Chinese place for lunch.  The next day we went to eastern market then we went to the American Indian museum and after that we had a barbecue at my mums friends place.The next day we had a late breakfast then had lunch with my cousins at a dim sum place then went to their place and had dinner .Sometime but i cant remember we went to the American history museum and saw the original Kermit he was made from an old coat and two ping pong balls.

the space shuttle discovery
outside the library of congress 
the original Kermit

Monday, May 21, 2012

Memphis and Eddyville

So let's talk about Memphas.we went to the zoo there and let me just tell you that this zoo was different to the zoo in Auckland. it had lots of different animals like camels, panthers, polar bears,snow leopards and black bears and wolves.So now you get the idea .

 this is me with some cuddly Pandas 

this is me riding a Camel that was very bumpy 

After that we went to a museum and there was this walking through time . it started with the beginning of time and went through to the modern age.

 Now we are  in Eddyville,Kentucky. Yesterday we went to a place where you can find lots of Bison and Elk then we went to a wild life refuge and we saw lots of rescued animals like owls and snakes then we saw a show about baby animals and how to look after them if they need help, we also released some rabbits to the wild so the predators can eat them

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Natchez, Mississippi

Well now I'm in Natchez Mississippi but I want to tell you one thing. It RAINED when we were leaving Destin and not just the ordinary spring showers you get in Auckland but the thunder storms you get in Destin (and that's right I said thunder, not to mention lightning).

Now on to Natchez we are in B&B (bed and breakfast). This morning we went to a historical home called Stanton Hall. We got a tour of this very large house all by our selves (and no we did not book a private tour). Then we had lunch at a place called Slick Ricks (I had a salad).

Then we went to a place called Longwood . A guy called Haller Nutt started building the house 1860 along with lots of builders from the north but then of course when the civil war started the builders went back home as now they were fighting. He died shortly after and the house was and still is to this day not finished. After that we went to two churches one to see old photos the other to see stained glass.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


After we went to Orlando we went to Port St. Lucie. We didn't do much but we did go on a boat ride and saw lots of animals that I have have mentioned before.

Then we went to a place called St. Petersburg and we had to walk a long way to get to these gardens that used to be a lake after that  we went to a place for kids and there was a thing in it called the touch tunnel which was a tunnel in the dark and me and my dad went in it. Then we went to the Dali museum. Dali was a strange man, well he wasn't a strange person, but his paintings were.

Now we are in a place called Destin. Yesterday we went on a boat ride and went shelling plus we went to the beach and we went to the pool about half an hour ago.

  This is the wishing tree near the Dali museum. 

Friday, May 4, 2012


This is me with Donald duck at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida (not to be confused with Disney Land in California).

I started at Magic Kingdom (the most magical place on earth) the first ride we went to was called SPACE MOUNTAIN it was a scary roller coaster in the dark.

We also went on the Tomorrow Land speedway where you go on a car and you have to steer your car to make sure you don't bump into the side of the road. A while later we went on a ride called Peter Pan's flight where you fly over London (and then Neverland).

And now I'm just going tell you are my favourite things as I am running out of time. Then we went to a haunted house and it had photos of a woman and a man but then they flash and the man's head disappears.

Now moving on to Animal Kingdom we went on river rapids (where we got soaked) we also went on a jungle safari. Then we went to Epcot but there was nothing worth talking about there.

Now are the photos.

This is me with Goofy

This is on the safari.

This is an owl at the bird show

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Everglades

I'm almost at Disney and my parents are planning what we are going to do at Disney.  But I'm going to write about the Everglades as I have not written about the yet.

 This is a very weird plant I found in the Everglades.
Sorry it's blurry, it was a windy day. 
This is an Anhinga.

We also saw giant alligators and a crocodile and went on a boat ride.

The ranger said that people think it is dark or dry or marshy but it is actually like a big lake with little bits of land scattered all over the place.

This is an alligator in the wild they're really cool if you see them up close.

We also went to a place called Key West (not in the Everglades) it is the furthest south you can go an there were lots of bridges on the way there and back.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Charleston + Savannah

On the night I did my last post we decided to go for a walk and saw an alligator in the water then the next morning we went to the gardens again to find that there were alligators blocking the path there was one big one smaller one. 
This is an alligator

This is me with some turtles.

Now we are in Savannah, Georgia. The birthplace of Juliette Gordon also known as Daisy. She was very creative as told in the tour we took in her house. It said that there was a painting of her grandfather that looked so bad everybody put it away... Then Daisy took it out one day got out her paints and changed it to a painting of her uncle.

The reason there are tours of her house is because she started girl guides/scouts. I got a badge for brownies to say that  I went there.

After that we went on a hunt for animals that was especially for girl guides/scouts and brownies what we were looking for was concrete animals the you would fill in a word to finish a poem to do with what you had found.

I also got an ice cream from the best ice cream parlour in the U.S.A.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

South Carolina

I am in South Carolina (it's on the right side of the map and it's medium sized and it's purple). The dam that I went to was not the Hoover am it was a small dam that does not have a name (the Hoover dam is in Nevada a purple state next to California I went to a dam in Virginia a aqua state on the right above a yellow state). I just went to a place where
1. the Wright brothers did their first flight and
2. the place where the first English baby was born's yellow and on the right side of the map

The answers are at the bottom


it's North Carolina 
p.s  Rosie I like the name doggie boggie bone

Friday, April 20, 2012

leaving my grandparents house

So I'm leaving tomorrow morning.My grandparents had a broken bird feeder yesterday. But  me and my dad fixed it. I also went for a long walk down to a dam with my grandparents and their dog Kaylyn we saw turtle on the edge of  the spillway. (it's part of the dam)        

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

well I am in the USA. Our plane was a rugby world cup plane. The safety video was really funny because it had people that were naked and had painted clothes on. We also went on another plane from LA to DC and we got to my grandparents on a private taxi (my grandma came too) at three in the morning.
This is Kaylen my grandparents dog. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

almost gone

I am writing this about 28 hours from when we are going to leave. My dad has ordered a kindle fire and is waiting at my grandparents house. A kindle fire is sort of like an ipad except you can read books on it and it is smaller. I think that my favourite part of the trip is going to be going to Disney world. we are going there for about 4 days. we are also going to visit my Auntie,Uncle and my 4 cousins Arwen,Aidan,Ronan and Kieran.