Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Charleston + Savannah

On the night I did my last post we decided to go for a walk and saw an alligator in the water then the next morning we went to the gardens again to find that there were alligators blocking the path there was one big one smaller one. 
This is an alligator

This is me with some turtles.

Now we are in Savannah, Georgia. The birthplace of Juliette Gordon also known as Daisy. She was very creative as told in the tour we took in her house. It said that there was a painting of her grandfather that looked so bad everybody put it away... Then Daisy took it out one day got out her paints and changed it to a painting of her uncle.

The reason there are tours of her house is because she started girl guides/scouts. I got a badge for brownies to say that  I went there.

After that we went on a hunt for animals that was especially for girl guides/scouts and brownies what we were looking for was concrete animals the you would fill in a word to finish a poem to do with what you had found.

I also got an ice cream from the best ice cream parlour in the U.S.A.

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